When you have a dental emergency, you will probably be scared and unsure how to proceed. Unfortunately, dental emergencies can happen at the most inopportune times, often in the evenings or on the weekends, and acting quickly can help alleviate pain and possibly save your teeth. That’s why the professionals at Carrollwood Village Dental are here to help you quickly and efficiently with same-day emergency appointments.
Emergency Services From Carrollwood Village Dental
If you are experiencing tremendous bleeding or think you may have broken your jaw, it’s best to call 911 or head to the nearest emergency room. However, in our dental office, we can help with the following dental emergencies:
Tooth pain – If you are experiencing tooth pain, first try to brush and floss to see if you have food stuck between your teeth. If that doesn’t work, take over-the-counter pain relievers. If you’re still experiencing pain, it could be a sign of a serious cavity or an infection. If the pain moves to your jaw or keeps you from eating or sleeping, you should call our dental office immediately.
Bleeding gums – If you see a little blood after you brush or floss your teeth, that isn’t anything to worry about immediately. However, if you have a more significant amount of bleeding that won’t stop, it could be serious. It’s best to contact us so that we can help diagnose and treat the issue.
Abscess tooth – If you have a severe dental infection that results from an untreated cavity, you may experience pain and bleeding from an abscess. In that case, your dentist will have to drain the pus from the infection and treat the cavity as soon as possible.
Broken tooth – If you have broken a tooth, we can assess how soon we need to see you in our dental office. If you have broken a molar or your tooth has a jagged edge, we will need to see you quickly.
Loose or knocked-out teeth – If you have accidentally lost or knocked a tooth loose, we want you to contact us immediately for emergency dental treatment.
Lost crown or filling – If you have lost a dental restoration such as a crown or filling, you may need emergency treatment if you are in pain. If not, call our dental office for an appointment to get your restoration fixed during regular hours.
Dental complications – If you have undergone dental work and are experiencing pain, bleeding, or swelling beyond what your dentist said to expect, you should call us immediately for help.
Locked jaw – If you suffer from TMJ and experience a locked or frozen jaw, it can be extremely painful, so we want you to contact us for the next steps.
Do You Need an Emergency Dentist in Tampa, FL?
If you are looking for an expert in dental emergencies in Tampa, FL, look no further than Carrollwood Village Dental. Our professional dental team is ready to take your call and help you with your dental emergency. You can reach us at (813) 961-2200.